My life have always been nothing but gloom, I’ve always believed. I feel as though all I can see is blackness, even if there are lights everywhere around me.
I would always eventually fall to the grasp of darkness when I tried to look on the bright side.
I used to never cease to admire the stars and how bright they shone whenever they would show up in the night sky. How I wish there was a star to shine and look up to on the darkest of nights.
But those thoughts were blinded by you when you appeared. You shined more than all the stars in the night sky.
Everything around my life was completely dark before you came. My light became you. THE brighter side became you.
You appeared to be holding the entirety of what has ever been, like a collection of stars.
How is it possible for someone to surpass the brightness of the stars above and the light of the day?
How can you effortlessly outglow those endless stars above?
You give everything a staggering amount of color and sparkle.
You are far more brilliant than any stars or anything else in the universe.