Isn't it scary how easy it is for people to just leave and just drift away from you?
Isn't it terrifying how people can act like they'll stay til death do you both part?
Sad truth, that by the end of the, no one is willing stay.
No one will guarantee that they'll go through all of it with you.
"I’ll never leave you"
"Don’t worry you have me by your side, always"
"You can count on me"
The sentences that they use most frequently.
Promises are made to be broken, I know.
Sometimes I just wish and hope that I'm a worthy risk for them to take, for them to value, for them to atleast think it's worth staying with me.
I'm tired of all the excuses, I'm tired of hearing the words that are obviously lies, still I get deceived by it.
But it doesn’t matter anyway, i got my own back. I have myself, but sometimes i just wonder what it’s like to have someone actually stay without feeling any pity.
Should I leave now or should I hold out a little while longer for "that" person to come along?
Let’s run away together, don’t run away from me.