Hey, how are you?
I hope you’re doing well.
If no one asked how you are today, then I'll be the first one to. So, tell me.. how are you, really?
How are you? Have you eaten? How did your day go? How are you feeling right now?
Sometimes, well maybe all the time, they forget to ask how we are. They just base how we really are by our fake jollity and smile. Well, we often don't want to ruin the mood by expressing how we really feel so we keep it hidden and frame ourselves with lies.
But, tell me. In those times where you're bottling it all up, who'll be there to see through you?
Enough of that, how are you, truly? Are you feeling okay? If not, let me tell you this.. even if torment stays as a loop, once you let it consume you, it’ll swallow you whole, but if you choose to be smart and think of a way out of the illusion, you’ll set your self free from the depth of sorrows.
Listen to me, It’s okay to feel that way, let yourself feel what you’re feeling. Validate yourself and whatever the reason to that discomfort, it’s valid. If you don’t think it is because you’re blaming yourself for it, I’m here to tell you that it’s not your fault. Breathe in and out, okay? If you want to cry, don’t hold yourself back from it. Let yourself feel it, don’t disregard it, let it stay, then let it pass. You’re gonna be okay. I’m so proud of you for handling such soreness, you’re doing really well.
If no one checks up on how you’re doing, that doesn’t mean you’re alone, the truth is you never are alone, it’s just that you’ve let sadness take control of your mind which leads you to the thoughts of isolation. You’re never alone, there will always be a person who’ll pop up in your mind when you think of the question, "Whose got my back?", and if no one did, I’ll be that person.
Remember not to hand over yourself to people, fully. Sometimes, you need to have your own back too. Don’t forget to always check on yourself aswell.
Trust me, it’s all gonna end well someday, maybe not now, not tomorrow, and not soon, but I’ll promise you this.. Everything will be okay, even if you don’t think it will and it’s impossible to; trust me, I can assure you that through drought, you’ll always find your sun out of it. Hang on, hold tight, and don’t fall; not now. You’re doing so well, it’s too early to give up. Remember that after the rain, there’s always rainbows.
Now tell me, how are you?